What is the Dutch corporate tax rate?
Worldwide profits of a Dutch company are subject to Netherlands corporate tax. The 2011 Netherlands corporate tax rate is 20% for the fisrt € 200.000 and 25% above € 200.000. Certain income and costs, however, are not taxable/deductible respectively.
What is the Dutch dividend withholdig tax rate?
Dividend distributions by a Dutch company are subject to Netherlands dividend withholding tax. The 2011 Netherlands dividend withholding tax rate is 15%. The Dutch Cooperative is not subject Netherlands dividend withholding tax.
What is the Dutch VAT tax rate?
The 2011 normal Netherlands VAT rate is 19%. The 2011 lower Netherlands VAT rate is 6%.
What are the Dutch payroll tax rates?
The 2011 maximum Netherlands payroll tax rate is 52%.
What are the Dutch personal income tax rates?
The 2011 maximum Netherlands personal income tax rate is 52%. For substantial interest income and savings & investments the Netherlands personal income tax rate is fixed at 25% and 1.2% respectively.
What is the Dutch real estate transfer tax rate?
The transfer of Dutch real estate is subject to Netherlands real estate transfer tax. The 2011 Netherlands real estate transfer tax rate is 6%.